Saturday, January 29, 2011
1.29.11 Pickett's Charge
It's a ski resort with a two big lodges and hundreds of condos, townhouses and cabins. We haven't seen any other signs of human (living, breathing) life. I would think that we weren't the only people to have this idea, but I also think most survivors would be pretty wary of making contact with others for fear of running into people who have ulterior motives, i.e. killing for food or weapons.
No power here, but the townhouse we settled in has a large fireplace and skylights. We can keep ourselves plenty warm here.
Things are still tense. We have been tip-toeing around Jerry. Just want to keep things cool.
There aren't any walkers around.
I should clarify that statement. There aren't any walkers actually walking. There are bodies all over the place, but they are buried in the snow and frozen. Not frozen solid, but frozen enough that they are not mobile. Confirms what Jerry had read in "The Zombie Survival Guide". God bless Max Brooks.
Outside it kinda looks like a snowy Cemetery Ridge after Pickett's Charge in the Battle of Gettysburg. Bodies everywhere. Only difference is the Confederate soldiers wouldn't rise again. When the weather gets warmer we will have to deal with these walkers if we want to stay here.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
1.27.11 Boyne
The five of us had been jammed together in the Jeep for the last leg of the trip. The Impala wouldn't start yesterday.
The starter on the Impala must have been busted. We had jumper cables, but it just wouldn't turnover. Jerry got pissed and ripped the cables off of the Impala battery and tore one of the clamps off the cable rendering them useless.
15 other cars were abandoned at the rest stop, most with keys, but none of them would start. Go figure. A car sits in below zero weather for a month and it doesn't start. Jumper cables would have come in handy.
As a group we have gotten along pretty well since our ordeal started. I guess the circumstances got the best of me, because when Jerry busted the cables and we couldn't fix them, I called him a dumbass under my breath.
He heard me. Then he lit into me.
"You have no room to talk! I know you continue to blog! I know it was you who attracted the walkers to us back in Bowling Green with the glow of that damned computer!"
I told him to fuck off. Billy intervened, told both of us to calm down. I huffed away.
With five of us in the Jeep, with all of our stuff and Johnny Dog...well, needless to say it was a very tense drive.
But we made it to Boyne and we found decent shelter. I'll apologize to Jerry later.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I think Jerry will leave me alone for a while. We haven't made it to Boyne. We are sitting in an abandoned camper in a rest stop North of Saginaw, Michigan. It's an unseasonably warm day, must be almost 50 degrees out, so we are fairly comfortable.
Back to the Bowling Green Starbucks situation. We had settled in for the night. We had power, but the front of the store did not have curtains. There was a pretty good sized back room that we could use. We could turn on the lights in that room and as long as the door was shut they wouldn't shine through to the front of the store.
Jen, Greg and Billy had grabbed couches in the front and had tucked themselves in for the night. Jerry was in the back room looking at his map to try to figure out our next stop on the way to Boyne. Driving had been very slow so far. In addition we needed to stop at a place where we could siphon gas.
I couldn't sleep, so I decided to open up my computer and see if I could use my 3G card and get on the Internet. I tucked myself behind the counter, thinking the glow of my computer screen wouldn't be strong enough to draw attention. Johnny Dog was laying beside me.
The 3G card worked. And I was blogging. That's when Johnny Dog began to whimper. I had completely underestimated the abilities of these walkers. I peaked my head up over the counter...damned if there weren't eight of those things making there way to the front of the store.
I shut down my computer and tried to calm Johnny Dog down. If she barked, those walkers would be on us in no time. The plate glass windows wouldn't hold them back for long.
What I didn't plan for was Jen waking up. She was lying on the couch closest to the window. The site of the walkers outside startled her...AND SHE SCREAMED!
Jerry came bounding out of the back room to see what had happened. Johnny Dog started to bark. The walkers could see us now, and began banging on the plate glass window. We were smart enough not to have unpacked everything, so we quickly gathered our stuff to leave out the back door.
Jerry armed himself with the shotgun. Greg had a pistol at the ready. As we got to the back door, Jerry peaked through the peephole to see if it was clear. Wouldn't you know, a walker was staring right back at him from the outside! It startled the shit out of Jerry!
Just then we heard the sound of the front windows breaking.
Jerry told Greg to cover us from behind. Jerry then busted open the back door, knocking the walker that was standing there to the ground. A second walker was making it's way toward us when Jerry hit it in the chest with a shotgun blast. I remember Jerry muttering to himself as the walker hit the ground, "Aim at the head, dumbass, aim at the head!" But give Jerry credit, he had at least cleared a path to the cars.
Billy was holding Johnny Dog, and could hardly contain her. Jerry jumped in the Jeep with Billy, Jen and Johnny Dog. I started to get in the Impala when shots rang out from behind.
What a sight! Greg had grabbed a second pistol and as he backed his way towards the Impala, was shooting with both hands, John Wayne style! Made me think of the final scene of True Grit as John Wayne was on his horse, blasting his way towards the Ned Pepper gang!
Greg was good! He nailed the eight zombies coming through the back door of the Starbucks and the zombie that Jerry had knocked down with the door. Head shots every time!
He got in the passenger side of the Impala, and just for good measure, lowered the window and shot the walker that Jerry had hit in the chest right through the left eye!
The escape was exhilarating! I shouldn't have been so excited, especially since the whole thing was my fault but I couldn't help it!
Greg was hyperventilating. When he finally calmed down I looked at him and said, "Jesus Greg, where did you learn to shoot like that!"
"I don't know," he responded. "it just happened, felt right..."
"Maybe it was the endless hours of playing Call of Duty in the warehouse." I thought to myself.
We didn't speak to one another for two hours as we made our way North.
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Monday, January 24, 2011
We thought we had a safe haven as we headed North. Jerry had suggested we move to a remote place that was cold, based on the recommendation in "The Zombie Survival Guide". I guess the cold slows down the zombies. I hesitate to say that it slows down their metabolism. I guess they don't have a metabolism. Jerry says they just freeze up.
I digress. When Jerry suggested going North, Greg mentioned going to one of the Boyne ski resorts in Northern Michigan. He thought there might be empty cabins or condos up there. So that's what we did.
We were fortunate to find the Starbucks. Bowling Green is about 2 1/2 hours North of Cincinnati. We were traveling up Interstate 75 and got off the exit at Bowling Green to siphon gas for the Jeep and our other car, a Chevy Impala.
As we drove further into town, it was apparent that it would be best to find a place to stop, as it was dusk and we didn't want to travel at night. We had several choices, but found the Starbucks. Old habit. I guess we were secretly hoping to get a Venti Pike's Place while we were there.
The rear door in the alley was unlocked, but the deadbolt still worked so after doing a quick search of the place to make sure we weren't walking into an ambush, we settled there for the night.
Jerry is still nervous about me blogging. I will continue a little later...
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
We are at a Starbucks in Bowling Green, Ohio. This place still has power. We got here this morning. WiFi is up too.
After we made our getaway from the warehouse we arrived at my parent's neighborhood to find several walkers wandering amongst the houses. The noise from our car engines attracted them to us. We wanted to get to my parents house to spend one night and plan for the next place we would seek shelter. Jerry pulled up next to me in the Jeep.
"I think our plan should be to take different routes to the house. That way we can create a diversion to draw the walkers away from us as we approach it." Jerry suggested.
I agreed. We decided that he would honk his horn and draw the walkers. As soon as the walkers cleared the street, I would drive to the house, make sure it was still safe and then send Billy back to the Jeep in the car to signal Jerry and Greg to drive on in. Jen, Johnny Dog and I would stay at the house and let everyone else in when they had lost the walkers...
CRAP...something is going on outside the Starbucks...gotta go!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
We had already been packing the essentials to move out of the warehouse. We had a plan to escape the walkers by breaking one of the windows on the east side of the warehouse, and using the speakers on an XBox (with Beatles Rock Band) to make enough noise to attract the walkers away from the front door. At that point we would make a run for the Jeep and one of our other cars. We weren't going to use Johnny Dog as a diversion. She is doing very well by the way.
The plan was to head out early this morning. The weather looked clear. We were going to go to my parent's house first.
Right when we we ready to go, the caravan came by. They obviously drew the walkers away with the honking.
What to do?
"We have to make a break for it!" Jerry exclaimed. "They are going to come back, and they definitely out number us."
Greg, who had been very quiet lately, agreed. "Our only issue is how we outrun them if they see us drive away."
"If we are going to do it, we have to go now!" Jerry yelled, as he grabbed his bags. We all followed. Jen had Johnny Dog by the collar.
Jerry and Greg jumped in the Jeep. Jen, Billy, Johnny Dog and I were in the other car. I drove. We each had a half tank of gas, which would limit how far we would go. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, Billy saw the caravan in the distance. I accelerated past the Jeep (Jerry was driving), and Billy yelled out the window to Jerry that the caravan was heading back towards us.
As we drove down the road, Billy kept a sharp eye out behind us. To our relief, the caravan pulled into the warehouse parking lot.
Safe for now, we headed to my parents house. We were going to spend a night there, and then head to our more permanent residence. If we could find gasoline.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I think Jerry is right. The walkers outside are a sure sign that humans (us) are in the building.
We have to assume the people in the caravan have sinister intentions. Hopefully they don't return.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Power went out this morning. It was out for about 7 hours but came back on again at 4:30 this afternoon. We all thought that it wouldn't come back on at all.
We are formulating a plan. We are going to have to leave this location. The walkers are no more than annoyance at this point, but with four more days of food they are going to be an impedance to us making a run for more food and supplies.
In addition, Jerry believes that the walkers surrounding our building will be a sign to the gangs that are reportedly out looting and stealing that survivors are in the building. Especially when the walkers are only wandering around our place and none of the others within sight. I agree with Jerry. Greg hasn't commented. Jen and Billy feel the same as me.
We need to get to a more remote place. None of us have camping gear nor are any of us very experienced roughing it. That eliminates all lot of our options. We have been brainstorming ideas of where we might go. Inevitably we are going to have to live without power, it can't be much longer till we lose it permanently.
I haven't seen a comment on my blog in days. No one is on Xbox. The Internet is obviously up, and there are posts on chat rooms. Almost all of them are desperate calls for help, people trapped, surrounded by walkers, running out of food and water. We are also seeing posts by people going crazy from the never-ending moans coming from the walkers. We can't hear them. The walls at the warehouse are soundproof.
Jerry doesn't know I am still blogging. I have a couple of moleskine journals that I may have to use if we lose the Internet to continue to document what's going on.
Johnny Dog continues to improve. That's good.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011
1.16.11 Good News, Bad News
On with it. The good news. Johnny Dog is doing much better. The attention that Jen paid to her was incredible, and must have helped alleviate the symptoms Johnny Dog was experiencing. The combination of being exhausted and dehydrated from trying to lose the undead pursuers had certainly taken it's toll on her. But she is eating and drinking and gingerly walking around the warehouse. She won't be ready for any new rescue operations for a while.
The bad news. The walkers that usually wander by our location are now wandering around the building aimlessly. They are definitely not passing by any more. We have yet to take action. As noted in "The Zombie Survival Guide", noise will attract more of them. However at some point we will have to act, as we only have about 6 more days of food.
Did Max Brooks know something we didn't when he wrote "The Zombie Survival Guide" in 2003? Obviously that book, which I assumed had been written tongue-in-cheek, must have had some basis in fact.
I wonder how he is doing right now.
Gotta go. Jerry is coming.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Jen has been by her side since she returned. We never had pets in our house
growing up. I always wanted a dog, but Mom and Dad always said no. I don't ever
remember Jen or Billy even asking. But Jen has always been such a nice and
caring person so I'm not surprised she has taken responsibility for Johnny Dog.
Jerry believes we are going to have to move from the warehouse soon. He can't
believe we still have power. The Internet is still up too. He's worried because
reports are coming in that not only urban areas are being over run by walkers,
but so are suburban areas. We see more and more walkers outside now.
Jerry is also worried about the humans that are left. We have it pretty good at
the warehouse, but there are reports also coming in that desperate gangs of
people are now resorting to use of extreme force to takeover good hideouts and
take food. Jerry has asked me to stop blogging as he feels people will figure
out our location if they read my entries.
I find that journaling is very cathartic. I don't want to stop.
Monday, January 10, 2011
She collapsed as soon as she got in the door. I had to carry her upstairs.
Jen thought she was dehydrated. She had been gone for so long, and I could only guess that she had lead the pack of walkers as far away as she could, and then came back. What a dog!
Greg and Jerry were particularly happy to see her. They hugged her and thanked her for saving their lives. Jerry offered her some food, but she wouldn't have anything to do with it.
I got Johnny Dog just before Thanksgiving. If I lost her I don't know what I would do.
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Saturday, January 8, 2011
I would have expected her back pretty quickly. But maybe she was trying to lose the gaggle of walkers that she had drawn away before returning here.
Billy, Greg and I had returned to the Ameristop this afternoon, grabbed some more food and Greg's jeep. No sign of Johnny Dog.
I'll continue to wait for her return.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
1.6.11 Johnny Dog Again!
She had already figured out how to find her way back to the warehouse from four miles away. Then she had figured out how to draw three walkers away from the warehouse door. I had no idea how many walkers had surrounded the Ameristop that Jerry and Greg were stuck in, but it must have been too many for them to fend off, seeing as how they had brought guns.
I decided to do a scouting trip first. I followed Jerry's rule of three and brought Jen and Billy with me. We had a couple of hand guns. We left Johnny Dog at the warehouse as we didn't want her to start barking when we got close to the Ameristop. I needed to know what we were going to be dealing with.
We approached the Ameristop from the North, driving down route 747. We were about an eighth of a mile away and saw the problem. There must have been 50 walkers at the front of the store trying to get in. We didn't want to attract the walkers to us so we stopped the car. We had to make an assumption that the rear door of the Ameristop also had walkers surrounding it, otherwise Jerry and Greg would have escaped days ago.
We needed a second car to make this plan work. Billy's friend's car was still at my parents house, so we headed there to get it. Jen was able to pick up more clothes while we were there.
We had a plan. We would drive two cars. Billy and Jen would be in one. They would pick up Greg and Jerry as soon as Johnny Dog drew the walkers far enough away that they could escape. They would hang out about a quarter mile away.
I would be in the other car and would drive Johnny Dog close enough to the Ameristop to drop her off. I just needed her to do the same thing she had done before, start barking and running, drawing the walkers away.
We picked up Johnny Dog and went to work. Jen and Billy were in place. I drove to the parking lot entrance and opened the door for Johnny Dog. She hesitated for a moment, and didn't jump out of the car. Doh!
That was going to be the problem. As I sat there, the sound of the car's engine got the attention of the walkers, and they turned and started shuffling my way! Johnny Dog compounded the problem by starting to bark! At that point all of the walkers at the front of the Ameristop started heading to the car!
My plan was to have had the walkers follow Johnny Dog, not me in the car, but that would change. Or so I thought. I was about to close the door and drive off when Johnny Dog suddenly jumped out. As if on cue, she barked and ran, and as before the walkers started to follow. Well, most of them anyway. I shut the door and also sped off.
I drove about 400 yards and five of them followed me. I looked back at the store and could see Jerry and Greg peeking out of the front door. I pulled a u-turn and headed towards Jen and Billy's car to let them know to pick Greg and Jerry up. These walkers are slow, and are pretty dim-witted. They still followed me but still doing a slow shuffle.
As I passed Billy and Jen, they got my sign and headed to get Jerry and Greg. I headed back to the warehouse to meet them.
They got to the warehouse about the same time as me. I gotta give Jerry and Greg credit as they jumped out of the car. They had four cases of beer with them. As everyone one was safe back at the warehouse, I had to let them know they were about a week late for our New Year's Eve party. Jerry told me to fuck-off.
The plan had worked. The question now was whether Johnny Dog would return safely.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
1.4.11 Johnny Dog is back!
It was a sunny, but very cold day today. I was staring out the second floor window watching more walkers wander by. About 3pm I noticed an animal approaching from the West. I followed it as it made it's way closer and then realized it was Johnny Dog!
She came to the door and started barking. I headed downstairs to let her in, but her barking must have gained the attention of some walkers that were wandering by. I couldn't chance letting them see me through the glass entrance doors. Johnny Dog did see me and started scratching at the door, but to my amazement, stopped when she noticed three of the walkers heading in her direction.
Even more amazing was what Johnny Dog did next. She started running away from the warehouse, barking as she ran. Of course the walkers followed her! She disappeared from sight for about ten minutes, but then returned, running to the door, but not barking. She was smart enough to realize that the walkers were attracted by noise and had drawn them away!
I let her in. She was very excited to see me. Jen and Billy had also come downstairs. It was Jen that noticed a slip of paper under Johnny Dog's collar. I pulled it out. It was a note from Jerry.
There were holed up at an Ameristop about four miles from the warehouse. They were OK, at least at the point the note was written, but were surrounded by walkers. They had taken a chance that Johnny Dog would find her way back to the warehouse.
We needed to get to them right away. We didn't have the Jeep, but my car was still here. The real issue was how were we going to rescue Jerry and Greg with the Ameristop surrounded by walkers. We needed a plan.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Jen, Billy and I are still OK in the warehouse. Less than 3000 people on-line playing Black Ops today. More and more people are reporting seeing walkers.
I have counted 40 of the walkers passing our warehouse over the last 3 days. All of them still heading South.
Where are Jerry and Greg? Have they been detained or attacked or eaten? Are they walkers now?
Worse yet, and I know this sounds bad, but where is Johnny Dog? I would think she could have fended off an attack.