Obviously I have continued using this blog to keep my journal. And I think it is also pretty obvious I won't see Dr. Angelise any time soon, although it would be nice to talk to her about what is going on right now. But when I wrote on this blog that Greg said the dead people are coming back to life, well, I didn't think I would get the reaction I did via this blog. I'm a little surprised that I broke the news, but now at least 30 people who were reading this blog (I didn't think anyone gave a shit) want to know more details.
We never made it to my apartment complex last night. We needed some more explanation from Greg about this dead people rising thing.
When we got back to the warehouse, he explained;
"When the people would die at Mercy, me and another guy were asked to take the bodies to the basement morgue. They asked us to take them to a separate area than others. My guess is they weren't sure about the disease, so when they got a break from dealing with all the people coming into the hospital with with fevers and such they would do some tests on the bodies or something. But the workers were overwhelmed and the bodies were piling up. I wanted to go home, but that's when the National Guard came in and ordered everyone to stay at the hospital. They also stopped letting people in, sending them to these treatment centers. I figured at that time they knew this thing was contagious. And of course, the guy working with me shuffling bodies to the basement started getting a fever. He was dead in 7 hours.
I don't know why I didn't catch the illness. Several others working there seemed immune to. Anyway, the doctors still around kept trying different antibiotics on the patients. None seemed to work. On Thursday, they started using some other treatment, some antibiotic rarely used. It didn't do any good on the patients they tried it on. About 7:30 Thursday evening, as I was dragging a body to the cafeteria...the morgue was full...I noticed something going on with another body I had brought there earlier. I saw it move, and then open it's eyes! I got out of the cafeteria fast, and barred the door. When I got back to the main floor, I told the doctor I thought was in charge what I had seen. The heads of many of the departments had either left, or had died. He told me I must have been sleep deprived and to get some rest. That's when I got out of there and texted you."
Pretty preposterous I thought. Jerry challenged Greg. "Are you sure you saw it's eyes open? You sure that it was dead in the first place?"
"Yes," Greg replied "I'm absolutely sure!"
"Greg, I want to believe what you're saying, but I've been on the Internet, watching TV and they aren't even talking about people dying, let alone coming back to life." Jerry said.
Greg was incredulous. "I can't believe you. I've known you a long time. Why would I make something like that up?!?!"
I broke in. "Listen. We believe you. We already know that what we are hearing on TV is not what's going on. The good news is we got you out of there. I think we ought to concentrate on what we are going to do now. I still want to get to my apartment, and I assume the two of you ant to grab some stuff at your places too. Let's get going. I think it's wise we stay together and lay low here until this thing blows over."
Greg agreed. "Yeah, I'd like to get a shower. And I think hanging here at the warehouse is a good idea. We should be real careful though. Those treatment centers they keep telling people to go to? As far as I'm concerned there is no treatment. I think they are trying to round people up so this thing doesn't spread. And I don't think they are letting the people leave once they are there. Who knows what they are doing with all those people."
We decided to go out later this evening.
For those of you still reading this-what are you seeing out there? Has anyone been to one of those treatment centers? Is there anyone out there who also snuck out of Mercy?
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