First chance to get on my blog since Thursday.
We are at a Starbucks in Bowling Green, Ohio. This place still has power. We got here this morning. WiFi is up too.
After we made our getaway from the warehouse we arrived at my parent's neighborhood to find several walkers wandering amongst the houses. The noise from our car engines attracted them to us. We wanted to get to my parents house to spend one night and plan for the next place we would seek shelter. Jerry pulled up next to me in the Jeep.
"I think our plan should be to take different routes to the house. That way we can create a diversion to draw the walkers away from us as we approach it." Jerry suggested.
I agreed. We decided that he would honk his horn and draw the walkers. As soon as the walkers cleared the street, I would drive to the house, make sure it was still safe and then send Billy back to the Jeep in the car to signal Jerry and Greg to drive on in. Jen, Johnny Dog and I would stay at the house and let everyone else in when they had lost the walkers...
CRAP...something is going on outside the Starbucks...gotta go!
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