More walkers wandering around outside.
Power went out this morning. It was out for about 7 hours but came back on again at 4:30 this afternoon. We all thought that it wouldn't come back on at all.
We are formulating a plan. We are going to have to leave this location. The walkers are no more than annoyance at this point, but with four more days of food they are going to be an impedance to us making a run for more food and supplies.
In addition, Jerry believes that the walkers surrounding our building will be a sign to the gangs that are reportedly out looting and stealing that survivors are in the building. Especially when the walkers are only wandering around our place and none of the others within sight. I agree with Jerry. Greg hasn't commented. Jen and Billy feel the same as me.
We need to get to a more remote place. None of us have camping gear nor are any of us very experienced roughing it. That eliminates all lot of our options. We have been brainstorming ideas of where we might go. Inevitably we are going to have to live without power, it can't be much longer till we lose it permanently.
I haven't seen a comment on my blog in days. No one is on Xbox. The Internet is obviously up, and there are posts on chat rooms. Almost all of them are desperate calls for help, people trapped, surrounded by walkers, running out of food and water. We are also seeing posts by people going crazy from the never-ending moans coming from the walkers. We can't hear them. The walls at the warehouse are soundproof.
Jerry doesn't know I am still blogging. I have a couple of moleskine journals that I may have to use if we lose the Internet to continue to document what's going on.
Johnny Dog continues to improve. That's good.
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