New Year's Eve and we are still in the warehouse. We are seeing more and more walkers, but luckily they just wander by and pay no attention to the warehouse. Interesting that they are all headed in the same direction, south, towards downtown Cincinnati.
Jerry theorizes that they are heading to downtown because they sense there is a greater concentration of humans in the city rather than here in the suburbs. He gets that info from "The Zombie Survival Guide". Turns out that maybe the guide is right.
We need alcohol. It is New Year's. Jerry and Greg wandered out about an hour ago to loot some. They took guns and Johnny Dog. Seems a bit silly, as beer wouldn't be on a list of necessities.
I'm sure they will get back safely.

Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The warehouse has been a pretty good place to hang out. We still have power, the Internet is up, and we have 100's of video games to play. It seems as though Call of Duty: Black Ops is the choice. We have been playing on line and chatting with others around the World. Less than 10,000 are on-line. That may sound like a lot, but usually there are 800,000 on-line.
Most people don't have any information we don't already know. The scariest stuff we are hearing is that more and more people have seen walking dead people.
This morning we did too. Two wandered by while Jen was looking out one of the second floor windows about 9:30 am this morning. She thought that they were "regular" people and was about to open the window and yell to them, but Jerry caught her just in time to stop her. It was pretty cold outside and he noticed they were only wearing t-shirts and shuffling instead of walking. No need to draw their attention, especially with reports coming in that there were more of them roaming around.
We are going to stay here. No need to go out. Jen and Billy are very worried about Mom and Dad. They keep trying Dad's cell, but he doesn't answer. I know they're going to want to go looking for them.
Most people don't have any information we don't already know. The scariest stuff we are hearing is that more and more people have seen walking dead people.
This morning we did too. Two wandered by while Jen was looking out one of the second floor windows about 9:30 am this morning. She thought that they were "regular" people and was about to open the window and yell to them, but Jerry caught her just in time to stop her. It was pretty cold outside and he noticed they were only wearing t-shirts and shuffling instead of walking. No need to draw their attention, especially with reports coming in that there were more of them roaming around.
We are going to stay here. No need to go out. Jen and Billy are very worried about Mom and Dad. They keep trying Dad's cell, but he doesn't answer. I know they're going to want to go looking for them.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
12.25.10 Merry Christmas!
Great news! We found my sister Jen today!
She got a hold of me via my blog. She was hiding out at the Barnes & Noble she worked at.
The Internet is still up, as you know. I had blogged about going to my house and meeting up with Billy. Jen explained that after Mom and Dad dropped her off at her friend Emma's when they went to the hospital, Emma started to get sick. Emma's Dad headed to the treatment center near them which was formerly their high school. The center was surrounded by armed National Guardsmen. It seemed strange to Emma's dad, so he parked and told Jen to stay hidden in the car, and left the keys. He told her that if he didn't come out by nightfall, to take the car and leave.
Jen saw Emma's Dad speaking to the guard at the front door, and in no time both he and Emma were surrounded by 6 guards. They escorted them in by gunpoint.
Jen stayed in the car for 5 hours, waiting for them to come out. They didn't, so at nightfall, just as Emma's Dad had told her, she left.
She went to Mom and Dad's house first. When she pulled into the driveway, she saw a stranger walking around the house and got scared. Since she had a key to the Barnes & Noble, she went there. It seemed safe, although eery as no one else was there.
She had been there since Thursday. Her cell phone had no power, so she started using one of the store computers trying to email and IM anyone and everyone she new. Nobody responded, not even Billy. Billy's cell seems to be working, so we are guessing the email server at Xavier is down. Getting bored, she started Googling for names of people she new, to get email addresses or phones, and this blog came up.
Greg, Billy, Johnny Dog and I jumped in the Jeep and drove right over to Barnes & Noble. Jerry recommended traveling in groups of three (another passage in the Survival guide I assume) and he stayed behind. When we got to the store, we banged on the front door and she came out. She was shaken, but was OK.
We couldn't believe it! We had found Jen, and on Christmas Day no less! She had no idea what had happened to Mom and Dad though.
After getting Jen back to the warehouse, we got her something to eat and after she calmed down, she told us how she had ended up at Barnes & Noble.
As we were sitting watching her eat, she paused, looked up from her food and asked, "Have you seen people wandering around outside here?"
She got a hold of me via my blog. She was hiding out at the Barnes & Noble she worked at.
The Internet is still up, as you know. I had blogged about going to my house and meeting up with Billy. Jen explained that after Mom and Dad dropped her off at her friend Emma's when they went to the hospital, Emma started to get sick. Emma's Dad headed to the treatment center near them which was formerly their high school. The center was surrounded by armed National Guardsmen. It seemed strange to Emma's dad, so he parked and told Jen to stay hidden in the car, and left the keys. He told her that if he didn't come out by nightfall, to take the car and leave.
Jen saw Emma's Dad speaking to the guard at the front door, and in no time both he and Emma were surrounded by 6 guards. They escorted them in by gunpoint.
Jen stayed in the car for 5 hours, waiting for them to come out. They didn't, so at nightfall, just as Emma's Dad had told her, she left.
She went to Mom and Dad's house first. When she pulled into the driveway, she saw a stranger walking around the house and got scared. Since she had a key to the Barnes & Noble, she went there. It seemed safe, although eery as no one else was there.
She had been there since Thursday. Her cell phone had no power, so she started using one of the store computers trying to email and IM anyone and everyone she new. Nobody responded, not even Billy. Billy's cell seems to be working, so we are guessing the email server at Xavier is down. Getting bored, she started Googling for names of people she new, to get email addresses or phones, and this blog came up.
Greg, Billy, Johnny Dog and I jumped in the Jeep and drove right over to Barnes & Noble. Jerry recommended traveling in groups of three (another passage in the Survival guide I assume) and he stayed behind. When we got to the store, we banged on the front door and she came out. She was shaken, but was OK.
We couldn't believe it! We had found Jen, and on Christmas Day no less! She had no idea what had happened to Mom and Dad though.
After getting Jen back to the warehouse, we got her something to eat and after she calmed down, she told us how she had ended up at Barnes & Noble.
As we were sitting watching her eat, she paused, looked up from her food and asked, "Have you seen people wandering around outside here?"
Thursday, December 23, 2010
12.23.10 Home?
I had called my Mom and Dad's house before we left. No answer. I'm actually surprised the phones still work. Most places look like they still have power too. I also called my younger brother and sister's cell phones, but didn't get an answer.
Jerry, Greg, Johnny Dog and I headed out to the house. I really didn't know what to expect. I certainly wanted everyone to be OK.
It was about a 20 minute drive to where Mom and Dad live. Once again, no one was on the roads, and they were very icy as they had not been cleared of the recent snowfall.
When we got to the house we decided to implement the "Kroger" plan. Greg backed the Jeep up the driveway. I had a leash on Johnny Dog. As we exited the car, we left the doors open for a quick getaway. This time Jerry suggested I walk around the outside of the house with Johnny Dog, just to see if she would get agitated, signaling the presence of one of those "things". I carried a 2x4, Greg had the snow shovel and Jerry had his sword.
No signal from Johnny Dog, so we went up to the front door and rang the doorbell. No answer. It was locked. I went around to the back of the house to get the key my parents kept in the fake, hollowed out plastic rock in the garden.
I unlocked the front door and we let ourselves in. I called out for Mom, Dad and Jen. No answer.
"Where are the guns?" Jerry asked.
"In the den, the door on the left." I answered. "There should be a key to the gun cabinet in the top right drawer of the desk in there."
Jerry went into the den. Greg asked if it was OK to go into the kitchen and see if there was any food. I was alright with it, as it looked like my parents and sister hadn't been around for a couple of days. I peeked into the garage, and my dad's Chevy Impala was gone. Had they gone to the hospital? Or worse yet, one of the treatment centers?
Johnny Dog and I wandered upstairs. If my family had planned to be away for a while, it sure didn't show. Drawers and closet doors were closed, no sign that they had packed bags before they left.
I was really worried. Where had they gone? I had no clue.
I went back downstairs. Jerry had collected the two shotguns and the handgun my Dad had kept in the cabinet, along with several boxes of ammunition. Greg had grabbed some of the stuff that was still good in the refrigerator.
"Guys", Jerry began, "The Survival Guide says one of the best weapons to combat Zombies are crowbars. Dan, do you know if your Dad would have any?"
"Yeah," I answered. "check the garage. My Dad keeps his tools organized. If he has one it will be hanging on the hook board above the workbench."
Jerry went into the garage. He came back with two crowbars. "Book says these are perfect for penetrating the skull of one of those things. Oh, and good for prying doors open for a quick escape!"
Just then, the front door opened. Johnny Dog barked, but it was different bark than when she confronted one of the Zombies.
"Is anyone here?" asked the person at the door. Jerry had a crowbar raised above his head.
I recognized the voice. "Billy?" I answered.
"Yes, is that you Dan?" It was my brother.
"Dan, oh man, it's great to see you!" Billy and I hugged. "I wondered if you were alright!"
Johnny Dog sniffed at Billy's shoes. "I am, it looks like you are OK too. This is Jerry and Greg. We came here to get Dad's guns, and see if everyone was alright. But nobody is here."
"When did you get the dog?" Billy asked.
"A couple of weeks ago. Do you know what happened to Mom and Dad?" I answered.
"I've been at my house at Xavier. all of my roommates had gone several days ago. Went to the hospital and the treatment centers. Dad called me four days ago and told me to stay in my house. Mom was sick, but he said not to come home. He had sent Jen to a friends house. I've been calling here and trying to contact Jen ever since." Billy explained.
Mom was sick...I caught Greg shaking his head at Jerry. I knew too.
"Billy, what friend would Jen be with?" I asked.
"I don't know. After I couldn't get a hold of anyone for the last two days, I grabbed one of my roommate's cars and drove up." Billy answered.
"We are going to have to try to find her. And Mom and Dad." I stated. I knew full well that Mom was probably dead. But it sounded like Jen might still be OK, and maybe Dad.
Billy, "Are you going to stay here?"
Jerry answered. "We have been staying at a warehouse about 20 minutes from here. It seems safe, we have food. I think it's better if we go back. I have to ask, have you seen any of the sick people wandering around?"
"Wandering around? What do you mean?" Billy answered.
I decided to write a note and leave it on the front door. It had my cell number and said that Billy was with me. I also left my blog address, in case Dad or Jen...or Mom came back. Figured if they couldn't call they could leave a comment here.
I wanted to give the address of the warehouse, but Jerry warned against it. He didn't want to be bombarded by people wanting to stay with us. Guess it's every man for himself.
Billy was still puzzled by Jerry's question. "I'll explain when we get back to the warehouse" I told him.
Jerry, Greg, Johnny Dog and I headed out to the house. I really didn't know what to expect. I certainly wanted everyone to be OK.
It was about a 20 minute drive to where Mom and Dad live. Once again, no one was on the roads, and they were very icy as they had not been cleared of the recent snowfall.
When we got to the house we decided to implement the "Kroger" plan. Greg backed the Jeep up the driveway. I had a leash on Johnny Dog. As we exited the car, we left the doors open for a quick getaway. This time Jerry suggested I walk around the outside of the house with Johnny Dog, just to see if she would get agitated, signaling the presence of one of those "things". I carried a 2x4, Greg had the snow shovel and Jerry had his sword.
No signal from Johnny Dog, so we went up to the front door and rang the doorbell. No answer. It was locked. I went around to the back of the house to get the key my parents kept in the fake, hollowed out plastic rock in the garden.
I unlocked the front door and we let ourselves in. I called out for Mom, Dad and Jen. No answer.
"Where are the guns?" Jerry asked.
"In the den, the door on the left." I answered. "There should be a key to the gun cabinet in the top right drawer of the desk in there."
Jerry went into the den. Greg asked if it was OK to go into the kitchen and see if there was any food. I was alright with it, as it looked like my parents and sister hadn't been around for a couple of days. I peeked into the garage, and my dad's Chevy Impala was gone. Had they gone to the hospital? Or worse yet, one of the treatment centers?
Johnny Dog and I wandered upstairs. If my family had planned to be away for a while, it sure didn't show. Drawers and closet doors were closed, no sign that they had packed bags before they left.
I was really worried. Where had they gone? I had no clue.
I went back downstairs. Jerry had collected the two shotguns and the handgun my Dad had kept in the cabinet, along with several boxes of ammunition. Greg had grabbed some of the stuff that was still good in the refrigerator.
"Guys", Jerry began, "The Survival Guide says one of the best weapons to combat Zombies are crowbars. Dan, do you know if your Dad would have any?"
"Yeah," I answered. "check the garage. My Dad keeps his tools organized. If he has one it will be hanging on the hook board above the workbench."
Jerry went into the garage. He came back with two crowbars. "Book says these are perfect for penetrating the skull of one of those things. Oh, and good for prying doors open for a quick escape!"
Just then, the front door opened. Johnny Dog barked, but it was different bark than when she confronted one of the Zombies.
"Is anyone here?" asked the person at the door. Jerry had a crowbar raised above his head.
I recognized the voice. "Billy?" I answered.
"Yes, is that you Dan?" It was my brother.
"Dan, oh man, it's great to see you!" Billy and I hugged. "I wondered if you were alright!"
Johnny Dog sniffed at Billy's shoes. "I am, it looks like you are OK too. This is Jerry and Greg. We came here to get Dad's guns, and see if everyone was alright. But nobody is here."
"When did you get the dog?" Billy asked.
"A couple of weeks ago. Do you know what happened to Mom and Dad?" I answered.
"I've been at my house at Xavier. all of my roommates had gone several days ago. Went to the hospital and the treatment centers. Dad called me four days ago and told me to stay in my house. Mom was sick, but he said not to come home. He had sent Jen to a friends house. I've been calling here and trying to contact Jen ever since." Billy explained.
Mom was sick...I caught Greg shaking his head at Jerry. I knew too.
"Billy, what friend would Jen be with?" I asked.
"I don't know. After I couldn't get a hold of anyone for the last two days, I grabbed one of my roommate's cars and drove up." Billy answered.
"We are going to have to try to find her. And Mom and Dad." I stated. I knew full well that Mom was probably dead. But it sounded like Jen might still be OK, and maybe Dad.
Billy, "Are you going to stay here?"
Jerry answered. "We have been staying at a warehouse about 20 minutes from here. It seems safe, we have food. I think it's better if we go back. I have to ask, have you seen any of the sick people wandering around?"
"Wandering around? What do you mean?" Billy answered.
I decided to write a note and leave it on the front door. It had my cell number and said that Billy was with me. I also left my blog address, in case Dad or Jen...or Mom came back. Figured if they couldn't call they could leave a comment here.
I wanted to give the address of the warehouse, but Jerry warned against it. He didn't want to be bombarded by people wanting to stay with us. Guess it's every man for himself.
Billy was still puzzled by Jerry's question. "I'll explain when we get back to the warehouse" I told him.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Here goes.
My Mom and Dad really wanted to help me as I suffered over the past year. They offered to let me move back in with them. (I didn't.) My Mom was very sympathetic. I didn't know my Mom's Mom, but based on the memories my Mom would share with me, I think she suffered from depression too.
I hadn't had any depression issues until this past year. I just couldn't stop thinking about the people I was laying off, how they and their families would suffer, how it would be impossible to find another job in enough time to be able to provide for their families. I saw the worst case scenarios for everyone. I would have nightmares about them coming to me, with their kids in tow, begging for food, money, anything. But I couldn't help.
My Mom understood. My Dad sympathized for a while, but then the American ideal, the independent, pull-up-your-bootstraps, your Grandma and Grandpa lived and thrived in the worst economic times this country had ever seen, get off your ass and go do something about it attitude kicked in.
It came to a head last Memorial Day. Mom and Dad invited me over for burgers on the grill. My younger brother, Billy, a Sophomore at Xavier University was there, and of course my little sister, Jen, a sophomore in high school was there too.
It was innocent enough, small talk and so on. Then my Dad decided I needed the lecture. Quit feeling sorry for myself, this depression thing is bullshit. I think he was doing it to make a point to my brother and sister.
I didn't make a scene. I just got up, kissed my Mom and left. They tried to call me, I wouldn't answer. I moved to a different apartment, changed my number. I changed my email.
At some point they gave up. Which suited me just fine. I didn't want to hear from them. I got myself to Dr. Angelise and through therapy realized that it was my issue and I would have to initiate the reconciliation. But I wasn't ready.
Now I wonder. Are they safe? I wanted them to be. Tomorrow I would find out. We would go to their house. We needed guns. And I needed my family.
My Mom and Dad really wanted to help me as I suffered over the past year. They offered to let me move back in with them. (I didn't.) My Mom was very sympathetic. I didn't know my Mom's Mom, but based on the memories my Mom would share with me, I think she suffered from depression too.
I hadn't had any depression issues until this past year. I just couldn't stop thinking about the people I was laying off, how they and their families would suffer, how it would be impossible to find another job in enough time to be able to provide for their families. I saw the worst case scenarios for everyone. I would have nightmares about them coming to me, with their kids in tow, begging for food, money, anything. But I couldn't help.
My Mom understood. My Dad sympathized for a while, but then the American ideal, the independent, pull-up-your-bootstraps, your Grandma and Grandpa lived and thrived in the worst economic times this country had ever seen, get off your ass and go do something about it attitude kicked in.
It came to a head last Memorial Day. Mom and Dad invited me over for burgers on the grill. My younger brother, Billy, a Sophomore at Xavier University was there, and of course my little sister, Jen, a sophomore in high school was there too.
It was innocent enough, small talk and so on. Then my Dad decided I needed the lecture. Quit feeling sorry for myself, this depression thing is bullshit. I think he was doing it to make a point to my brother and sister.
I didn't make a scene. I just got up, kissed my Mom and left. They tried to call me, I wouldn't answer. I moved to a different apartment, changed my number. I changed my email.
At some point they gave up. Which suited me just fine. I didn't want to hear from them. I got myself to Dr. Angelise and through therapy realized that it was my issue and I would have to initiate the reconciliation. But I wasn't ready.
Now I wonder. Are they safe? I wanted them to be. Tomorrow I would find out. We would go to their house. We needed guns. And I needed my family.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Jerry was eating a ham sandwich reading "The Zombie Survival Guide".
"Says here we ought to have crowbars for close quarter fighting. Do you guys have guns?" he asked.
"No." I responded. "And I'm not planning on doing any fighting."
"Dan, I don't think we are going to have a choice. Sooner or later we are going to have to go out again and get food. I doubt the dude at Kroger is the only one out there." Jerry observed.
"How do you know? Maybe that was the only one. Anyway, I don't have a gun." I said.
"Me neither." answered Greg.
Jerry thought for a moment. "You know, we really aren't in too bad a shape. Johnny Dog seems to be able to detect when those things are around. We have a lot of food. I just don't think that this thing is going to blow over soon. I just think we need to arm ourselves better."
My mind wandered. I started thinking about my family. I wonder if they are ok.
I spoke up. "I think I know where some guns are."
"Where?" asked Jerry.
"At my Mom and Dad's house."
"Says here we ought to have crowbars for close quarter fighting. Do you guys have guns?" he asked.
"No." I responded. "And I'm not planning on doing any fighting."
"Dan, I don't think we are going to have a choice. Sooner or later we are going to have to go out again and get food. I doubt the dude at Kroger is the only one out there." Jerry observed.
"How do you know? Maybe that was the only one. Anyway, I don't have a gun." I said.
"Me neither." answered Greg.
Jerry thought for a moment. "You know, we really aren't in too bad a shape. Johnny Dog seems to be able to detect when those things are around. We have a lot of food. I just don't think that this thing is going to blow over soon. I just think we need to arm ourselves better."
My mind wandered. I started thinking about my family. I wonder if they are ok.
I spoke up. "I think I know where some guns are."
"Where?" asked Jerry.
"At my Mom and Dad's house."
Sunday, December 19, 2010
12.19.10 We Had To Go Back
Even with the scare from the dead guy at Kroger, we decided to go back yesterday, as we still needed the food we had put in the carts before running away.
Jerry was very pleased with himself. He had spent Friday evening and Saturday morning studying his copy of Max Brooks' "Zombie Survival Guide" as if his life depended on it. He was ready. He had his Samurai sword, and found a snow shovel and several 2x4's to use as weapons.
I had kept a copy of the "Zombie Survival Guide" in my bathroom, as it is a pretty humorous book. Max Brooks is Mel Brooks' son. I am a huge fan of Mel Brooks movies. My favorite is Young Frankenstein, but Blazing Saddles is a close second.
I digress. Jerry was using a book obviously written tongue-in-cheek about a non-existent thing called a zombie to guide his actions. He was pretty serious about it too. He became annoyed when Greg and I ignored his coaching on how we would deal with the thing if we saw it again at Kroger.
We decided to humor Jerry and take the snow shovel and 2x4's with us. We also brought Johnny Dog, as she seemed to be able to smell the thing before we would be able to detect it. I made sure I had her on a leash, as she was a real handful on our last visit.
We arrived at Kroger and hung out in the Jeep for a while to see if there was any activity in the store. We rolled down a window, but Johnny Dog seemed content to just sit there.
We had a plan. We backed the Jeep up to within 20 feet of the open window and left the doors and rear hatch open. I held Johnny Dog's leash, Greg had a snow shovel and Jerry had his sword. The carts we had left behind on our last visit were still inside undisturbed. I stood guard near the window with Johnny Dog, while Greg and Jerry grabbed the carts and loaded the Jeep. The perishables still seemed OK, as the temperature outside had been below freezing for a couple of days, and the inside of the Kroger was not much warmer.
"Ready to go?" I asked after Greg had thrown the last bag of dog food in the Jeep.
"Yes, let's go." Answered Greg.
Jerry chimed in. "We ought to see if that thing is still around. Aren't you guys slightly curious?"
Greg responded. "Not me. I'd just as soon get outta here."
No sooner had Greg responded, when Johnny Dog started barking. She took off for the bakery department and about yanked my arm off as I put a tighter grip on her leash.
This was Jerry's opportunity. "Let me just go around the corner and see what's up."
Before we could stop him he walked down the front of the store and peered around the corner to the bakery.
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed. "Come check this out!"
Johnny Dog was still barking and wanted to head towards the bakery anyway, so Greg and I went to where Jerry was standing. As we approached, I was stunned at what I saw. The person or thing or whatever you wanted to call it was kneeling over another human body. It had torn open the body's chest cavity, and was feeding on it's insides.
I suddenly had to puke, and as I did, loosened my grip on Johnny Dog's leash. She tore way, and jumped on the thing's back. It immediately stood and tried to fight Johnny Dog off. Johnny Dog didn't try to bite it, but grabbed it's shirt, as if she was trying to save the person it was feeding on.
The thing turned around and started towards us, Johnny Dog in tow. Greg and I ran. As we approached the window we realized Jerry hadn't followed us.
Just then we heard a blood-curdling scream. "HEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAA!"
We had to go back, as we feared that Jerry had been attacked. As we rounded the corner to the bakery, and to our surprise, there was Jerry, standing over the thing, with his sword sticking out of it's head.
"Wow Jerry!" Greg exclaimed. "Unbelievable! You friggin' killed it!"
Jerry seemed a little bit stunned. " think I did."
"Are we sure it's dead?" I asked.
"Well, according to the survival guide, you have to get these things in the head, obliterate the brain." Jerry responded.
"You certainly did that!" Greg observed.
Johnny Dog had returned to me. Jerry put his shoe against the thing's neck and yanked the sword out of it's skull. I suddenly felt sick again. As I turned to puke, Johnny Dog started to growl. This time she wasn't growling at the thing under Jerry's shoe, but at the body it had been feeding on.
The body was a mess. The thing had ripped out must of it's innards. It was obviously dead.
Or so I thought. As we turned to leave, we started to hear a noise, a gurgling slash moaning sound. I turned around. The body the thing had been feeding on was coming back to life!
"Look at that!" I yelled. This time I had a tight grip on Johnny Dog.
"It's not going anywhere, our friend here did so much damage to it that it can't get up." Jerry said.
"What do we...." but before I could finish, Greg walked over to it and bashed it's head in with his 2x4.
This time Jerry puked. "Let's get outta here." Greg said softly. "I don't want to deal with any more of these things."
Jerry was very pleased with himself. He had spent Friday evening and Saturday morning studying his copy of Max Brooks' "Zombie Survival Guide" as if his life depended on it. He was ready. He had his Samurai sword, and found a snow shovel and several 2x4's to use as weapons.
I had kept a copy of the "Zombie Survival Guide" in my bathroom, as it is a pretty humorous book. Max Brooks is Mel Brooks' son. I am a huge fan of Mel Brooks movies. My favorite is Young Frankenstein, but Blazing Saddles is a close second.
I digress. Jerry was using a book obviously written tongue-in-cheek about a non-existent thing called a zombie to guide his actions. He was pretty serious about it too. He became annoyed when Greg and I ignored his coaching on how we would deal with the thing if we saw it again at Kroger.
We decided to humor Jerry and take the snow shovel and 2x4's with us. We also brought Johnny Dog, as she seemed to be able to smell the thing before we would be able to detect it. I made sure I had her on a leash, as she was a real handful on our last visit.
We arrived at Kroger and hung out in the Jeep for a while to see if there was any activity in the store. We rolled down a window, but Johnny Dog seemed content to just sit there.
We had a plan. We backed the Jeep up to within 20 feet of the open window and left the doors and rear hatch open. I held Johnny Dog's leash, Greg had a snow shovel and Jerry had his sword. The carts we had left behind on our last visit were still inside undisturbed. I stood guard near the window with Johnny Dog, while Greg and Jerry grabbed the carts and loaded the Jeep. The perishables still seemed OK, as the temperature outside had been below freezing for a couple of days, and the inside of the Kroger was not much warmer.
"Ready to go?" I asked after Greg had thrown the last bag of dog food in the Jeep.
"Yes, let's go." Answered Greg.
Jerry chimed in. "We ought to see if that thing is still around. Aren't you guys slightly curious?"
Greg responded. "Not me. I'd just as soon get outta here."
No sooner had Greg responded, when Johnny Dog started barking. She took off for the bakery department and about yanked my arm off as I put a tighter grip on her leash.
This was Jerry's opportunity. "Let me just go around the corner and see what's up."
Before we could stop him he walked down the front of the store and peered around the corner to the bakery.
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed. "Come check this out!"
Johnny Dog was still barking and wanted to head towards the bakery anyway, so Greg and I went to where Jerry was standing. As we approached, I was stunned at what I saw. The person or thing or whatever you wanted to call it was kneeling over another human body. It had torn open the body's chest cavity, and was feeding on it's insides.
I suddenly had to puke, and as I did, loosened my grip on Johnny Dog's leash. She tore way, and jumped on the thing's back. It immediately stood and tried to fight Johnny Dog off. Johnny Dog didn't try to bite it, but grabbed it's shirt, as if she was trying to save the person it was feeding on.
The thing turned around and started towards us, Johnny Dog in tow. Greg and I ran. As we approached the window we realized Jerry hadn't followed us.
Just then we heard a blood-curdling scream. "HEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAA!"
We had to go back, as we feared that Jerry had been attacked. As we rounded the corner to the bakery, and to our surprise, there was Jerry, standing over the thing, with his sword sticking out of it's head.
"Wow Jerry!" Greg exclaimed. "Unbelievable! You friggin' killed it!"
Jerry seemed a little bit stunned. " think I did."
"Are we sure it's dead?" I asked.
"Well, according to the survival guide, you have to get these things in the head, obliterate the brain." Jerry responded.
"You certainly did that!" Greg observed.
Johnny Dog had returned to me. Jerry put his shoe against the thing's neck and yanked the sword out of it's skull. I suddenly felt sick again. As I turned to puke, Johnny Dog started to growl. This time she wasn't growling at the thing under Jerry's shoe, but at the body it had been feeding on.
The body was a mess. The thing had ripped out must of it's innards. It was obviously dead.
Or so I thought. As we turned to leave, we started to hear a noise, a gurgling slash moaning sound. I turned around. The body the thing had been feeding on was coming back to life!
"Look at that!" I yelled. This time I had a tight grip on Johnny Dog.
"It's not going anywhere, our friend here did so much damage to it that it can't get up." Jerry said.
"What do we...." but before I could finish, Greg walked over to it and bashed it's head in with his 2x4.
This time Jerry puked. "Let's get outta here." Greg said softly. "I don't want to deal with any more of these things."
Friday, December 17, 2010
12.17.10 Confirmed
We decided to venture out today and get some food. The news reports have virtually stopped. Many of the TV channels are no longer broadcasting anything at all. The one's that are must be automated or something as we continue to see reruns on those channels.
It has snowed pretty hard here the last couple of days. We have seen no activity outside. No plows, no emergency vehicles. After seeing how much snow was falling yesterday, we drove back to Greg's and grabbed his Jeep.
We all went on the food gathering adventure. Nothing was open. We noticed a Kroger nearby that had a front window broken out. We carefully drove up to the store. The lights were off. We decided to venture in.
The place had not been completely ransacked, but it was obvious lots of people had been in there before us. The refrigerators were still running. We didn't here anything inside so we all grabbed shopping carts and we started to fill it up.
We grabbed as much fruit as we could and then moved to the deli and grabbed anything that still looked OK. The bread still looked alright, so we got a few loaves. We then concentrated on non-perishables and canned goods. And three large bags of dog food for Johnny Dog.
We had been there about 15 minutes and were ready to head out when we heard some rustling at the front of the store. As we made our way there, Johnny Dog started barking like crazy and took off towards the window. It reminded me of how she barked at the apartment across from mine several nights ago.
I chased her to the window, and found her with her hackles up, growling and barking at a person trying to get in the store. I grabbed Johnny Dog by her collar, and was beginning to apologize to the person when I realized something was horribly wrong with him. The person was ashen grey, a blue tongue sticking out of his mouth. He was moaning. He also kept hitting the shards of glass near the frame of the window that was broken out, but didn't react to getting cut. The blood from the cuts was black! Also, the stench emanating from him was unbearable!
Jerry yelled, "Dan, get away from that thing!" He threw a can of refried beans, and missed the thing by three feet. Jerry is no athlete.
I admit I was mesmerized by the thing!
Jerry yelled again, "Dan, get the fuck away from the window!" This time he hit the thing in the chest with a bottle of Mott's Applesauce, knocking it down.
Greg, following close behind Jerry, began yelling. "Don't let it near you!" He grabbed a Cincinnati Bengals fleece blanket off a rack in the front of the store and threw it on the thing.
It began to moan louder and obviously became very annoyed. It had problems untangling from the blanket, but when it did, rose to its feet and began to come at us.
I couldn't hold Johnny Dog any longer. She broke free and grabbed it's pant leg. It completely ignored her and started to head towards Jerry.
Greg, thinking quickly, grabbed a shopping cart and rammed the thing. It doubled over into the cart. Greg kept pushing until it hit one of the pillars in the pharmacy. Johnny Dog still had a piece of its pants in her mouth and was about to go after it again.
"Johnny Dog," I yelled. "come back here!"
She turned towards me and came back. In the mean time Jerry and Greg had already made it out the window and were heading towards the Jeep. I grabbed Johnny Dog, jumped out of the window and followed them to the Jeep.
When we were safely inside Greg started the Jeep, and as he was putting it into gear to leave, Jerry said "Wait!"
We all glanced back at the store, and saw the thing making it's way out of the store. It's arm was hanging at a weird angle. It must have broken it when it hit the pillar.
"What was that?" I asked.
Jerry responded. "I think we have just confirmed what Greg told us he saw at Mercy. That was a dead guy!"
It has snowed pretty hard here the last couple of days. We have seen no activity outside. No plows, no emergency vehicles. After seeing how much snow was falling yesterday, we drove back to Greg's and grabbed his Jeep.
We all went on the food gathering adventure. Nothing was open. We noticed a Kroger nearby that had a front window broken out. We carefully drove up to the store. The lights were off. We decided to venture in.
The place had not been completely ransacked, but it was obvious lots of people had been in there before us. The refrigerators were still running. We didn't here anything inside so we all grabbed shopping carts and we started to fill it up.
We grabbed as much fruit as we could and then moved to the deli and grabbed anything that still looked OK. The bread still looked alright, so we got a few loaves. We then concentrated on non-perishables and canned goods. And three large bags of dog food for Johnny Dog.
We had been there about 15 minutes and were ready to head out when we heard some rustling at the front of the store. As we made our way there, Johnny Dog started barking like crazy and took off towards the window. It reminded me of how she barked at the apartment across from mine several nights ago.
I chased her to the window, and found her with her hackles up, growling and barking at a person trying to get in the store. I grabbed Johnny Dog by her collar, and was beginning to apologize to the person when I realized something was horribly wrong with him. The person was ashen grey, a blue tongue sticking out of his mouth. He was moaning. He also kept hitting the shards of glass near the frame of the window that was broken out, but didn't react to getting cut. The blood from the cuts was black! Also, the stench emanating from him was unbearable!
Jerry yelled, "Dan, get away from that thing!" He threw a can of refried beans, and missed the thing by three feet. Jerry is no athlete.
I admit I was mesmerized by the thing!
Jerry yelled again, "Dan, get the fuck away from the window!" This time he hit the thing in the chest with a bottle of Mott's Applesauce, knocking it down.
Greg, following close behind Jerry, began yelling. "Don't let it near you!" He grabbed a Cincinnati Bengals fleece blanket off a rack in the front of the store and threw it on the thing.
It began to moan louder and obviously became very annoyed. It had problems untangling from the blanket, but when it did, rose to its feet and began to come at us.
I couldn't hold Johnny Dog any longer. She broke free and grabbed it's pant leg. It completely ignored her and started to head towards Jerry.
Greg, thinking quickly, grabbed a shopping cart and rammed the thing. It doubled over into the cart. Greg kept pushing until it hit one of the pillars in the pharmacy. Johnny Dog still had a piece of its pants in her mouth and was about to go after it again.
"Johnny Dog," I yelled. "come back here!"
She turned towards me and came back. In the mean time Jerry and Greg had already made it out the window and were heading towards the Jeep. I grabbed Johnny Dog, jumped out of the window and followed them to the Jeep.
When we were safely inside Greg started the Jeep, and as he was putting it into gear to leave, Jerry said "Wait!"
We all glanced back at the store, and saw the thing making it's way out of the store. It's arm was hanging at a weird angle. It must have broken it when it hit the pillar.
"What was that?" I asked.
Jerry responded. "I think we have just confirmed what Greg told us he saw at Mercy. That was a dead guy!"
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
12.15.10 Where It Started To Go Wrong
Jerry, Greg and I have been in the warehouse for two days entertaining ourselves with the outstanding collection of video games here. Probably one of the best places to stay while figuring out our next steps with this epidemic upon us. Only thing that could be better would be a Costco as we would definitely have more food choices. Getting more food will become a priority soon.
Johnny Dog likes all the room in the warehouse. Turns out shrink-wrapped video games fly like Frisbees and are great to play fetch with.
Still not seeing much on TV or hearing much on the radio. Live updates have slowed to once every 4 hours or so, and even those are painting a much rosier picture of the situation than what Greg witnessed at Mercy.
We are getting better info from chats on the Internet and interestingly enough, online via our headsets while playing Call of Duty: Black Ops. Comments on this blog too. Sorting through all the rumors is tough, but we have a high level of confidence in a couple of things:
People are dying once they contract this disease.
There is no cure.
Don't go to to treatment centers if you are healthy. Once people head there, they are not heard from again.
And there are reports that the dead are waking up. GULP!
I stopped taking the anti-depressants. I would have thought that this situation would make me feel worse, but there is something exhilarating about this situation, the questions, the great unknown, blah, blah, blah.
Since people are actually reading this, and we seem to have some kind of network going here, please allow me to indulge myself by by posting a little personal history.
I don't think I want to discuss the alienation of my family just yet, other than to say it was my fault.
I'm 28 years old. I got a degree in Sociology from The Ohio State University, GO BUCKS! It's just a bachelors degree and everyone warned me that I wouldn't get a job with that degree, but I was able to find a job in Human Resources at one of the local manufacturing facilities.
Not a bad job, until last year. Economy tanked, and our plant closed. I was basically the last one out the door, but had to lay-off 233 people. My story isn't much different than many other people who had to do this, but it set me into a tailspin of depression. I wouldn't leave my apartment, wouldn't look for a job, and wouldn't get help. My Mom and Dad wanted to help, but I wouldn't let them.
This is the first time I have written about this. I think that's enough for now.
Johnny Dog likes all the room in the warehouse. Turns out shrink-wrapped video games fly like Frisbees and are great to play fetch with.
Still not seeing much on TV or hearing much on the radio. Live updates have slowed to once every 4 hours or so, and even those are painting a much rosier picture of the situation than what Greg witnessed at Mercy.
We are getting better info from chats on the Internet and interestingly enough, online via our headsets while playing Call of Duty: Black Ops. Comments on this blog too. Sorting through all the rumors is tough, but we have a high level of confidence in a couple of things:
People are dying once they contract this disease.
There is no cure.
Don't go to to treatment centers if you are healthy. Once people head there, they are not heard from again.
And there are reports that the dead are waking up. GULP!
I stopped taking the anti-depressants. I would have thought that this situation would make me feel worse, but there is something exhilarating about this situation, the questions, the great unknown, blah, blah, blah.
Since people are actually reading this, and we seem to have some kind of network going here, please allow me to indulge myself by by posting a little personal history.
I don't think I want to discuss the alienation of my family just yet, other than to say it was my fault.
I'm 28 years old. I got a degree in Sociology from The Ohio State University, GO BUCKS! It's just a bachelors degree and everyone warned me that I wouldn't get a job with that degree, but I was able to find a job in Human Resources at one of the local manufacturing facilities.
Not a bad job, until last year. Economy tanked, and our plant closed. I was basically the last one out the door, but had to lay-off 233 people. My story isn't much different than many other people who had to do this, but it set me into a tailspin of depression. I wouldn't leave my apartment, wouldn't look for a job, and wouldn't get help. My Mom and Dad wanted to help, but I wouldn't let them.
This is the first time I have written about this. I think that's enough for now.
Monday, December 13, 2010
We made the trips to our places last night.
My apartment first. The complex stunk! Greg confirmed it was the smell of decomposing bodies. We left Johnny Dog in the car, as I didn't want her to get worked up and upset.
I grabbed one of my rolling carry-on bags and filled it up with canned goods out of my pantry. I also grabbed a couple of pair of jeans, a hoodie, boots and some socks and underwear.
Next stop was Greg's place. He packed a similar list as me, but also picked up his laptop.
Finally got to Jerry's place. He had already grabbed a lot of his stuff earlier in the week. He went into his bedroom and brought out his Blu-ray player, about 30 Dvd's, and dog-eared copies of Max Brook's Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z!
"If there are walking dead out there, I want to be prepared!" He exclaimed!
I had to laugh. Jerry is 300 pounds. But then he brought out a friggin' Samarai sword! I thought I had just entered the electronic repair shop scene in Pulp Fiction. He probably had a ball-gag in his bedroom too!
My apartment first. The complex stunk! Greg confirmed it was the smell of decomposing bodies. We left Johnny Dog in the car, as I didn't want her to get worked up and upset.
I grabbed one of my rolling carry-on bags and filled it up with canned goods out of my pantry. I also grabbed a couple of pair of jeans, a hoodie, boots and some socks and underwear.
Next stop was Greg's place. He packed a similar list as me, but also picked up his laptop.
Finally got to Jerry's place. He had already grabbed a lot of his stuff earlier in the week. He went into his bedroom and brought out his Blu-ray player, about 30 Dvd's, and dog-eared copies of Max Brook's Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z!
"If there are walking dead out there, I want to be prepared!" He exclaimed!
I had to laugh. Jerry is 300 pounds. But then he brought out a friggin' Samarai sword! I thought I had just entered the electronic repair shop scene in Pulp Fiction. He probably had a ball-gag in his bedroom too!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Obviously I have continued using this blog to keep my journal. And I think it is also pretty obvious I won't see Dr. Angelise any time soon, although it would be nice to talk to her about what is going on right now. But when I wrote on this blog that Greg said the dead people are coming back to life, well, I didn't think I would get the reaction I did via this blog. I'm a little surprised that I broke the news, but now at least 30 people who were reading this blog (I didn't think anyone gave a shit) want to know more details.
We never made it to my apartment complex last night. We needed some more explanation from Greg about this dead people rising thing.
When we got back to the warehouse, he explained;
"When the people would die at Mercy, me and another guy were asked to take the bodies to the basement morgue. They asked us to take them to a separate area than others. My guess is they weren't sure about the disease, so when they got a break from dealing with all the people coming into the hospital with with fevers and such they would do some tests on the bodies or something. But the workers were overwhelmed and the bodies were piling up. I wanted to go home, but that's when the National Guard came in and ordered everyone to stay at the hospital. They also stopped letting people in, sending them to these treatment centers. I figured at that time they knew this thing was contagious. And of course, the guy working with me shuffling bodies to the basement started getting a fever. He was dead in 7 hours.
I don't know why I didn't catch the illness. Several others working there seemed immune to. Anyway, the doctors still around kept trying different antibiotics on the patients. None seemed to work. On Thursday, they started using some other treatment, some antibiotic rarely used. It didn't do any good on the patients they tried it on. About 7:30 Thursday evening, as I was dragging a body to the cafeteria...the morgue was full...I noticed something going on with another body I had brought there earlier. I saw it move, and then open it's eyes! I got out of the cafeteria fast, and barred the door. When I got back to the main floor, I told the doctor I thought was in charge what I had seen. The heads of many of the departments had either left, or had died. He told me I must have been sleep deprived and to get some rest. That's when I got out of there and texted you."
Pretty preposterous I thought. Jerry challenged Greg. "Are you sure you saw it's eyes open? You sure that it was dead in the first place?"
"Yes," Greg replied "I'm absolutely sure!"
"Greg, I want to believe what you're saying, but I've been on the Internet, watching TV and they aren't even talking about people dying, let alone coming back to life." Jerry said.
Greg was incredulous. "I can't believe you. I've known you a long time. Why would I make something like that up?!?!"
I broke in. "Listen. We believe you. We already know that what we are hearing on TV is not what's going on. The good news is we got you out of there. I think we ought to concentrate on what we are going to do now. I still want to get to my apartment, and I assume the two of you ant to grab some stuff at your places too. Let's get going. I think it's wise we stay together and lay low here until this thing blows over."
Greg agreed. "Yeah, I'd like to get a shower. And I think hanging here at the warehouse is a good idea. We should be real careful though. Those treatment centers they keep telling people to go to? As far as I'm concerned there is no treatment. I think they are trying to round people up so this thing doesn't spread. And I don't think they are letting the people leave once they are there. Who knows what they are doing with all those people."
We decided to go out later this evening.
For those of you still reading this-what are you seeing out there? Has anyone been to one of those treatment centers? Is there anyone out there who also snuck out of Mercy?
We never made it to my apartment complex last night. We needed some more explanation from Greg about this dead people rising thing.
When we got back to the warehouse, he explained;
"When the people would die at Mercy, me and another guy were asked to take the bodies to the basement morgue. They asked us to take them to a separate area than others. My guess is they weren't sure about the disease, so when they got a break from dealing with all the people coming into the hospital with with fevers and such they would do some tests on the bodies or something. But the workers were overwhelmed and the bodies were piling up. I wanted to go home, but that's when the National Guard came in and ordered everyone to stay at the hospital. They also stopped letting people in, sending them to these treatment centers. I figured at that time they knew this thing was contagious. And of course, the guy working with me shuffling bodies to the basement started getting a fever. He was dead in 7 hours.
I don't know why I didn't catch the illness. Several others working there seemed immune to. Anyway, the doctors still around kept trying different antibiotics on the patients. None seemed to work. On Thursday, they started using some other treatment, some antibiotic rarely used. It didn't do any good on the patients they tried it on. About 7:30 Thursday evening, as I was dragging a body to the cafeteria...the morgue was full...I noticed something going on with another body I had brought there earlier. I saw it move, and then open it's eyes! I got out of the cafeteria fast, and barred the door. When I got back to the main floor, I told the doctor I thought was in charge what I had seen. The heads of many of the departments had either left, or had died. He told me I must have been sleep deprived and to get some rest. That's when I got out of there and texted you."
Pretty preposterous I thought. Jerry challenged Greg. "Are you sure you saw it's eyes open? You sure that it was dead in the first place?"
"Yes," Greg replied "I'm absolutely sure!"
"Greg, I want to believe what you're saying, but I've been on the Internet, watching TV and they aren't even talking about people dying, let alone coming back to life." Jerry said.
Greg was incredulous. "I can't believe you. I've known you a long time. Why would I make something like that up?!?!"
I broke in. "Listen. We believe you. We already know that what we are hearing on TV is not what's going on. The good news is we got you out of there. I think we ought to concentrate on what we are going to do now. I still want to get to my apartment, and I assume the two of you ant to grab some stuff at your places too. Let's get going. I think it's wise we stay together and lay low here until this thing blows over."
Greg agreed. "Yeah, I'd like to get a shower. And I think hanging here at the warehouse is a good idea. We should be real careful though. Those treatment centers they keep telling people to go to? As far as I'm concerned there is no treatment. I think they are trying to round people up so this thing doesn't spread. And I don't think they are letting the people leave once they are there. Who knows what they are doing with all those people."
We decided to go out later this evening.
For those of you still reading this-what are you seeing out there? Has anyone been to one of those treatment centers? Is there anyone out there who also snuck out of Mercy?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
12.11.10 Greg!
Greg and Jerry had exchanged several more texts after we had received the original one on Thursday evening. Greg was adamant that we should not meet him at Mercy. He had snuck away from Mercy during the day on Thursday, and was holed up in an alley around the corner from the Emergency room entrance.
The hospital had been quarantined. Nobody else would be let in, and especially, no one was to leave! The entrances were guarded by the Ohio National Guard.
Greg had snuck out when a family had shown up in an Escalade begging to be let in for treatment. As the National Guardsmen were dealing with the situation, he had snuck out.
As Greg huddled next to a dumpster in the alley, he had texted Jerry to come get him. The agreement was to come later in the evening. Greg texted Jerry not to come anywhere near a hospital entrance, as he was afraid the National Guardsmen would grab him and force him back into the hospital. He and Jerry agreed on a meeting point, two blocks away. Jerry would text Greg when we got there.
I drove. We took Johnny Dog also, as we were still planning on running up to my apartment complex if we could.
Such an eerie drive down I-75. No one on the road. We saw some emergency vehicle lights on some of the exits, but that was about it. Jerry was very nervous, as was I. We both wondered out loud if there was a chance we would be pulled over, although we hadn't heard of any kind of city imposed curfew.
As we took the exit that lead to Mercy, Jerry texted Greg to meet us at the corner of Boudinot and Queen City Avenue. When we got close to Boudinot, we turned out off the headlights. As we reached the corner, we saw Greg, dressed in his orderly whites, jump into the street. He startled Johnny Dog who began to bark.
We slowed, Jerry opened the rear passenger side door and Greg jumped in. I pulled a quick U-turn and we made our way back to I-75.
Greg was visibly upset and relieved.
"Oh man Jerry," he began. "this is not good! You won't believe the shit that is going down!" Realizing that he didn't know me, he stopped.
"Who is this?" he asked.
"This is Dan. We just met a couple of days ago. He's been hangin' with me at the warehouse. And this is Johnny Dog. She is Dan's, luvs Ding-Dongs." Jerry responded.
"Thanks for getting me Dan. Nice dog. Anyway have you guys heard what's going on?" Greg asked.
"Yes Greg, why the hell do you think we have been hangin' in the warehouse since Monday evening?" Jerry responded sarcastically.
Greg, "I mean what's really going on! I assume the reports you are hearing are that there is a treatment for this disease? Well it's all bullshit, there are no treatments. People are dying!"
I was stunned. "What do you mean? The news report are saying there is a treatment, the illness is coming from the Flu shots, and they are even asking people to go to treatment centers in the region."
"I'm telling you, it's all bullshit. I've been at Mercy since Monday. These people come in, sweating, running fevers at 105 and above. The doctors try everything, but within a couple of hours the patients are dead!" Greg explained. "But it gets worse! What did the reports say about the cause?"
Jerry responded. "A batch of flu shots, from Jenter Pharmaceuticals. The reports said that is the source."
Greg continued. "That seems to be true, at least from the first patients that came to Mercy. But it's not the whole story."
Jerry and I looked quizzically at each other. Greg continued. "At first they thought it was just the Jenter batch that caused it, but soon some of the hospital workers were getting sick. They had not had a flu shot, they were just exposed to others. This thing is highly contagious!"
I stopped the car right before getting on I-75 North. I hopped out. "Dude!?!? Get out of the car! You are going to make us sick-you've been exposed"
"No, no! You have to listen. I've been in that place for 4 days, with no symptoms at all. The people who get sick from exposure start seeing the symptoms within an hour, tops. Also, I never touched anything. These other people were exposed to blood, sweat, saliva all that. I steered clear." Greg explained.
"I don't know. You sound like a risk to me. Jerry, what do you think?" I asked.
"I've known Greg forever, I would trust him."
"Ok," as I jumped back in the car. "let's get up to my apartment."
"Why are we going to your apartment?" Greg asked.
"We need to get some food and I want some more of my clothes." I responded.
"I see." said Greg. "Before we actually go there, you guys need to know a couple of other things. First, those treatment center they are telling people to go to...not what they seem. When people get there they are locking them in. As I said before, there is no treatment."
Once again, Jerry and I exchanged concerned looks.
"And second," Greg continued. "the dead patients are coming back to life!"
The hospital had been quarantined. Nobody else would be let in, and especially, no one was to leave! The entrances were guarded by the Ohio National Guard.
Greg had snuck out when a family had shown up in an Escalade begging to be let in for treatment. As the National Guardsmen were dealing with the situation, he had snuck out.
As Greg huddled next to a dumpster in the alley, he had texted Jerry to come get him. The agreement was to come later in the evening. Greg texted Jerry not to come anywhere near a hospital entrance, as he was afraid the National Guardsmen would grab him and force him back into the hospital. He and Jerry agreed on a meeting point, two blocks away. Jerry would text Greg when we got there.
I drove. We took Johnny Dog also, as we were still planning on running up to my apartment complex if we could.
Such an eerie drive down I-75. No one on the road. We saw some emergency vehicle lights on some of the exits, but that was about it. Jerry was very nervous, as was I. We both wondered out loud if there was a chance we would be pulled over, although we hadn't heard of any kind of city imposed curfew.
As we took the exit that lead to Mercy, Jerry texted Greg to meet us at the corner of Boudinot and Queen City Avenue. When we got close to Boudinot, we turned out off the headlights. As we reached the corner, we saw Greg, dressed in his orderly whites, jump into the street. He startled Johnny Dog who began to bark.
We slowed, Jerry opened the rear passenger side door and Greg jumped in. I pulled a quick U-turn and we made our way back to I-75.
Greg was visibly upset and relieved.
"Oh man Jerry," he began. "this is not good! You won't believe the shit that is going down!" Realizing that he didn't know me, he stopped.
"Who is this?" he asked.
"This is Dan. We just met a couple of days ago. He's been hangin' with me at the warehouse. And this is Johnny Dog. She is Dan's, luvs Ding-Dongs." Jerry responded.
"Thanks for getting me Dan. Nice dog. Anyway have you guys heard what's going on?" Greg asked.
"Yes Greg, why the hell do you think we have been hangin' in the warehouse since Monday evening?" Jerry responded sarcastically.
Greg, "I mean what's really going on! I assume the reports you are hearing are that there is a treatment for this disease? Well it's all bullshit, there are no treatments. People are dying!"
I was stunned. "What do you mean? The news report are saying there is a treatment, the illness is coming from the Flu shots, and they are even asking people to go to treatment centers in the region."
"I'm telling you, it's all bullshit. I've been at Mercy since Monday. These people come in, sweating, running fevers at 105 and above. The doctors try everything, but within a couple of hours the patients are dead!" Greg explained. "But it gets worse! What did the reports say about the cause?"
Jerry responded. "A batch of flu shots, from Jenter Pharmaceuticals. The reports said that is the source."
Greg continued. "That seems to be true, at least from the first patients that came to Mercy. But it's not the whole story."
Jerry and I looked quizzically at each other. Greg continued. "At first they thought it was just the Jenter batch that caused it, but soon some of the hospital workers were getting sick. They had not had a flu shot, they were just exposed to others. This thing is highly contagious!"
I stopped the car right before getting on I-75 North. I hopped out. "Dude!?!? Get out of the car! You are going to make us sick-you've been exposed"
"No, no! You have to listen. I've been in that place for 4 days, with no symptoms at all. The people who get sick from exposure start seeing the symptoms within an hour, tops. Also, I never touched anything. These other people were exposed to blood, sweat, saliva all that. I steered clear." Greg explained.
"I don't know. You sound like a risk to me. Jerry, what do you think?" I asked.
"I've known Greg forever, I would trust him."
"Ok," as I jumped back in the car. "let's get up to my apartment."
"Why are we going to your apartment?" Greg asked.
"We need to get some food and I want some more of my clothes." I responded.
"I see." said Greg. "Before we actually go there, you guys need to know a couple of other things. First, those treatment center they are telling people to go to...not what they seem. When people get there they are locking them in. As I said before, there is no treatment."
Once again, Jerry and I exchanged concerned looks.
"And second," Greg continued. "the dead patients are coming back to life!"
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Jerry, Johnny Dog and I have spent most of our time in the break room at the games warehouse. We've been watching TV, getting updates on this situation. My first impression of Jerry was that he was an alarmist, but I guess judging by my own actions (leaving my apartment to hang out here) I must be buying in.
What have we learned so far? Well these are the "official" reports:
- There has been an outbreak of an illness that has the following symptoms: high fever, dizziness, tunnel vision, nausea.
- They are confident that the illness is caused by this year's batch of influenza immunizations. Particularly those produced by Jenter Pharmaceuticals out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The batch has been recalled and destroyed.
- They have a treatment.
- The illness has been reported in multiple cities throughout the US.
- The authorities are asking that those who have the symptoms above report to treatment centers located throughout the area and the US.
Jerry doesn't believe a word he is hearing from official sources. He keeps asking the same questions:
-Why aren't we seeing anyone outside?
-What happened to his buddy Greg at the ER?
-Treatment centers? What is going on there?
I have to agree with him. Things aren't adding up. Interesting the lack of a sense of urgency from the reports on TV. They break-in with news every couple of hours, but they are continuing with regular programming. Live programming, like news, has some faces we haven't seen before. Live events, NBA and college basketball, tonight's NFL game have been canceled.
I want to go back to my apartment. There was plenty of food in the break room from the vending machines, but Cheese Nips, Hoho's and Ding-Dongs aren't cutting it anymore. Jerry seems satisfied though. I guess you don't weigh the north-side of 3 balloons by eating vegetables. I want to grab some of the stuff I have in my pantry.
Johnny Dog seems to like Jerry. Probably because Jerry shares his Ding-Dongs with her.
"Jerry," I asked, "go with me to my apartment. I have some stuff I want to pick up. I also want to check things out, getting a bit of cabin fever in here."
"I don't know." He responded. "I don't like the idea."
"We'll be alright, there's no one outside anyway." I said.
"Maybe. If we do, let's go later tonight. I'd feel more comfortable then."
I agreed. If all it took was waiting a couple of hours to convince Jerry to venture out, it was an easy compromise.
Just then Jerry's phone buzzed.
"A text from Greg!" he said. "He wants us to get him down at Mercy now!"
What have we learned so far? Well these are the "official" reports:
- There has been an outbreak of an illness that has the following symptoms: high fever, dizziness, tunnel vision, nausea.
- They are confident that the illness is caused by this year's batch of influenza immunizations. Particularly those produced by Jenter Pharmaceuticals out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The batch has been recalled and destroyed.
- They have a treatment.
- The illness has been reported in multiple cities throughout the US.
- The authorities are asking that those who have the symptoms above report to treatment centers located throughout the area and the US.
Jerry doesn't believe a word he is hearing from official sources. He keeps asking the same questions:
-Why aren't we seeing anyone outside?
-What happened to his buddy Greg at the ER?
-Treatment centers? What is going on there?
I have to agree with him. Things aren't adding up. Interesting the lack of a sense of urgency from the reports on TV. They break-in with news every couple of hours, but they are continuing with regular programming. Live programming, like news, has some faces we haven't seen before. Live events, NBA and college basketball, tonight's NFL game have been canceled.
I want to go back to my apartment. There was plenty of food in the break room from the vending machines, but Cheese Nips, Hoho's and Ding-Dongs aren't cutting it anymore. Jerry seems satisfied though. I guess you don't weigh the north-side of 3 balloons by eating vegetables. I want to grab some of the stuff I have in my pantry.
Johnny Dog seems to like Jerry. Probably because Jerry shares his Ding-Dongs with her.
"Jerry," I asked, "go with me to my apartment. I have some stuff I want to pick up. I also want to check things out, getting a bit of cabin fever in here."
"I don't know." He responded. "I don't like the idea."
"We'll be alright, there's no one outside anyway." I said.
"Maybe. If we do, let's go later tonight. I'd feel more comfortable then."
I agreed. If all it took was waiting a couple of hours to convince Jerry to venture out, it was an easy compromise.
Just then Jerry's phone buzzed.
"A text from Greg!" he said. "He wants us to get him down at Mercy now!"
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I had to leave the warehouse. Johnny Dog was still at the apartment.
She was already on edge when I left on Monday. After hearing all the information Jerry was getting, and against his recommendation, I left the warehouse last night to go get her.
The streets were empty. For 11pm at night on a weekday in suburban Cincinnati this would have been pretty normal. But the strange thing was nothing was open! Gas stations, Taco Bell, bars etc. that would have normally been open were closed.
My apartment is only a 15 minute drive from the warehouse. Parking lot was as full as normal and I could see lights on in several of the apartment windows.
The SMELL!!! It hit me as soon as I walked into the complex hallway. I don't know what decaying flesh smells like, but this had to be it!
I got to my apartment and found Johnny Dog sitting by the front door. She had defecated in the living room, but that was to be expected as I hadn't been home in 30 hours. But she didn't greet me coming in, instead bolted to the apartment door across the hall, scratching and barking at it.
I grabbed her a bag of food, and filled my small backpack with clothes, toiletries, my laptop, cell phone charger etc.
I figured I would be back, but thought I should take Jerry's recommendation and go back to the warehouse. I don't know what was causing Johnny Dog to go crazy at the apartment door across the hall, but decided not to figure it out. I grabbed her by her collar and drug her to my car.
As I left the complex lot, something caught my eye in one of the apartment windows. A shadowy figure seemed to be pacing back and forth in front of the curtained window. It reminded me of a caged animal.
She was already on edge when I left on Monday. After hearing all the information Jerry was getting, and against his recommendation, I left the warehouse last night to go get her.
The streets were empty. For 11pm at night on a weekday in suburban Cincinnati this would have been pretty normal. But the strange thing was nothing was open! Gas stations, Taco Bell, bars etc. that would have normally been open were closed.
My apartment is only a 15 minute drive from the warehouse. Parking lot was as full as normal and I could see lights on in several of the apartment windows.
The SMELL!!! It hit me as soon as I walked into the complex hallway. I don't know what decaying flesh smells like, but this had to be it!
I got to my apartment and found Johnny Dog sitting by the front door. She had defecated in the living room, but that was to be expected as I hadn't been home in 30 hours. But she didn't greet me coming in, instead bolted to the apartment door across the hall, scratching and barking at it.
I grabbed her a bag of food, and filled my small backpack with clothes, toiletries, my laptop, cell phone charger etc.
I figured I would be back, but thought I should take Jerry's recommendation and go back to the warehouse. I don't know what was causing Johnny Dog to go crazy at the apartment door across the hall, but decided not to figure it out. I grabbed her by her collar and drug her to my car.
As I left the complex lot, something caught my eye in one of the apartment windows. A shadowy figure seemed to be pacing back and forth in front of the curtained window. It reminded me of a caged animal.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
12.7.10 Shit's Hittin' the Fan
I'm holed up on the second floor of a warehouse surrounded by thousands of Xbox and PS3 games, consoles and a dude named Jerry. Logged this from my cell (got to like the mobile blogger app from Google).
I've been here since my shift started for my first day of work yesterday. It was strange when I arrived. The warehouse was locked. I banged on the door, waited about 5 minutes and when nobody answered I decided to head home.
I figured that this place had been hit harder than the others and when too many people called in sick, they decided to shut down for the day and forgot to call me.
As I was getting into my car something hit the back of my head. I looked on the ground and a brand new shrink-wrapped FIFA 2011 (Xbox version) was laying there.
From above a voice called out, "Hey you!"
I turned to see a pudgy face looking out of a second floor window. "What do you want?"
"Are you the new guy, s'pose to start today?" he asked.
"Yeah. Did you just hit me with that Xbox game?"
"Yes!" he responded. "Wanted to get your attention."
"You could have just opened the door when I banged on it! I'm here for work!"
"You don't know what's going on around here, do you?" he asked. "You know shit's hittin' the fan?"
"What do you mean?" I asked.
" Have you had a flu shot?" (Seemed like a strange question from a pudgy dude yelling out of a second floor window.)
"No." I responded. "Why?"
"I'll come down and let you in then."
A few minutes later he came to the front door of the warehouse, unlocked the door and let me in.
"My name's Jerry, you must be Dan." he begun. "You need to know what's going on. Those flu shots, all the people getting sick...I now what's going down here."
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Dude, I'm talkin' about tainted flu shots! People are dying! You can't tell me you aren't seeing it!?!?"
"Well, I know lots of people are getting sick, and heard reports about flu shots, but people dying? C'mon."
Jerry continued, "I've seen this in movies, books. The flu shots contain a virus, it can't be stopped! We're not getting the whole story from the authorities! I came to work this morning, and almost everyone had called in sick. They said to go home. I told them I needed to get a couple of things from upstairs and I would lock up when I left. But I decided to stay. I am not going outside again until I'm sure this thing has run it's course."
I was about to respond when Jerry handed me his phone. "Look at these texts my buddy sent me. He works at Mercy downtown."
I read the texts:
12/5/10 9:37am Can't meet 2nite, slammed in ER
12/5/10 10:30am I'm freakin out-2 many ppl here
12/5/10 1:00pm jer ovrhrd dr say ppl rnning 105 fvrs
12/5/10 1:22 wont let me lve, qrteened er due to contajes nature of illness
"Those are from my buddy, Greg, an orderly at Mercy's downtown ER. Haven't heard from him since."
I was shaken...Jerry has the radio on, gonna log for now.
I've been here since my shift started for my first day of work yesterday. It was strange when I arrived. The warehouse was locked. I banged on the door, waited about 5 minutes and when nobody answered I decided to head home.
I figured that this place had been hit harder than the others and when too many people called in sick, they decided to shut down for the day and forgot to call me.
As I was getting into my car something hit the back of my head. I looked on the ground and a brand new shrink-wrapped FIFA 2011 (Xbox version) was laying there.
From above a voice called out, "Hey you!"
I turned to see a pudgy face looking out of a second floor window. "What do you want?"
"Are you the new guy, s'pose to start today?" he asked.
"Yeah. Did you just hit me with that Xbox game?"
"Yes!" he responded. "Wanted to get your attention."
"You could have just opened the door when I banged on it! I'm here for work!"
"You don't know what's going on around here, do you?" he asked. "You know shit's hittin' the fan?"
"What do you mean?" I asked.
" Have you had a flu shot?" (Seemed like a strange question from a pudgy dude yelling out of a second floor window.)
"No." I responded. "Why?"
"I'll come down and let you in then."
A few minutes later he came to the front door of the warehouse, unlocked the door and let me in.
"My name's Jerry, you must be Dan." he begun. "You need to know what's going on. Those flu shots, all the people getting sick...I now what's going down here."
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Dude, I'm talkin' about tainted flu shots! People are dying! You can't tell me you aren't seeing it!?!?"
"Well, I know lots of people are getting sick, and heard reports about flu shots, but people dying? C'mon."
Jerry continued, "I've seen this in movies, books. The flu shots contain a virus, it can't be stopped! We're not getting the whole story from the authorities! I came to work this morning, and almost everyone had called in sick. They said to go home. I told them I needed to get a couple of things from upstairs and I would lock up when I left. But I decided to stay. I am not going outside again until I'm sure this thing has run it's course."
I was about to respond when Jerry handed me his phone. "Look at these texts my buddy sent me. He works at Mercy downtown."
I read the texts:
12/5/10 9:37am Can't meet 2nite, slammed in ER
12/5/10 10:30am I'm freakin out-2 many ppl here
12/5/10 1:00pm jer ovrhrd dr say ppl rnning 105 fvrs
12/5/10 1:22 wont let me lve, qrteened er due to contajes nature of illness
"Those are from my buddy, Greg, an orderly at Mercy's downtown ER. Haven't heard from him since."
I was shaken...Jerry has the radio on, gonna log for now.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The good news? My new job starts tomorrow. 2nd shift, 3pm to 11pm at the electronic and video game distribution center.
The bad? I wonder if anyone will be there. When I went to my interview on Friday, the person I was supposed to interview with had called in sick. However, the human resources rep went ahead and did the interview.
She seemed very preoccupied. She asked me three questions. First, what was my social security number (I had forgot to put it on the application). Second, had I ever been convicted of a felony (no). Third, could I start on Monday.
She explained that on that very Friday, 60% of the work force had called in sick, so they needed people right away as they were in the middle of the Christmas shopping season. She had also spoken to some of her human resources counterparts at some of the other companies in the region and they were experiencing the same amount of medical absenteeism.
Radio and TV reports are saying that emergency rooms are being bombarded by people coming in with high fevers. The first reports are that the current batch of flu shots might be the source of the illness.
Johnny Dog has been acting very agitated since Thursday. She is eating, and I took her on walks Friday, Saturday and today, but she is really on edge.
Then tonight, after she and I had made a car run to Starbucks to get a cup of coffee, she started barking at the apartment door across from mine. She wouldn't settle down until I drug her by her collar into my apartment, but she has been sitting staring at my door ever since.
The bad? I wonder if anyone will be there. When I went to my interview on Friday, the person I was supposed to interview with had called in sick. However, the human resources rep went ahead and did the interview.
She seemed very preoccupied. She asked me three questions. First, what was my social security number (I had forgot to put it on the application). Second, had I ever been convicted of a felony (no). Third, could I start on Monday.
She explained that on that very Friday, 60% of the work force had called in sick, so they needed people right away as they were in the middle of the Christmas shopping season. She had also spoken to some of her human resources counterparts at some of the other companies in the region and they were experiencing the same amount of medical absenteeism.
Radio and TV reports are saying that emergency rooms are being bombarded by people coming in with high fevers. The first reports are that the current batch of flu shots might be the source of the illness.
Johnny Dog has been acting very agitated since Thursday. She is eating, and I took her on walks Friday, Saturday and today, but she is really on edge.
Then tonight, after she and I had made a car run to Starbucks to get a cup of coffee, she started barking at the apartment door across from mine. She wouldn't settle down until I drug her by her collar into my apartment, but she has been sitting staring at my door ever since.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Catching up on the last couple of days.
I had my appointment with Dr. Angelise on Tuesday. Got there a little before 11am and noticed that Monique wasn't in her usual place in the anteroom to Dr. Angelise's office. When Dr. Angelise came to get me, she said that Monique had called in sick. She didn't know what was wrong with her.
It had been two weeks since I had seen Dr. Angelise, and of course the first thing she wanted to know was how I was feeling. I mentioned that the Thanksgiving holidays had been a little tough, but I had a dog now and I was feeling a lot better. I told her I had thought that Johnny Dog was a calming influence for me.
Dr. Angelise asked me to tell her more about Johnny Dog and our relationship. But as I was starting to share more with her she suddenly broke out in a sweat. Her face became flush, and it was obvious she was not feeling well.
She got up to grab a bottle of water out of her refrigerator.
"Dr. Angelise, are you OK?"
"Yes, I think I will be in just a minute." She responded. "I think I might be having some kind of hot-flash. Not uncommon for a women of my age."
She mustered up a slight smile. "Do you mind if we cut our session short today? I think I might need to rest a little and wouldn't be at my best for you."
"Of course." I said. "How about we just pick-up where we left off at next week's session."
"Thank you. I will see you next week then."
As I left her office, she made her way to one of her couches and laid down.
After I left Dr. Angelise's office I went home and picked up Johnny Dog. Had a mid-afternoon lunch at a local Greek restaurant. As it turns out the owner is a dog lover so he let me come in with Johnny Dog. I had a gyro and fries. He didn't have any help at the restaurant, and no other customers. He said that his lunch shift (2 girls) had called in sick.
I've noticed less cars on the roads today. I haven't heard any reports on the TV or radio about anything weird going on, but it's certainly curious.
I have a job interview tomorrow. It's the first prospect in a long time. 2nd shift at a local distribution center. They distribute video games and consoles (XBox, PS3) to the local Best Buy's, Target's etc. Need to get some kind of income so hopefully I show well.
Another thing. For the first time I have started to see some weird behavior out of Johnny Dog. She really seems on edge.
I had my appointment with Dr. Angelise on Tuesday. Got there a little before 11am and noticed that Monique wasn't in her usual place in the anteroom to Dr. Angelise's office. When Dr. Angelise came to get me, she said that Monique had called in sick. She didn't know what was wrong with her.
It had been two weeks since I had seen Dr. Angelise, and of course the first thing she wanted to know was how I was feeling. I mentioned that the Thanksgiving holidays had been a little tough, but I had a dog now and I was feeling a lot better. I told her I had thought that Johnny Dog was a calming influence for me.
Dr. Angelise asked me to tell her more about Johnny Dog and our relationship. But as I was starting to share more with her she suddenly broke out in a sweat. Her face became flush, and it was obvious she was not feeling well.
She got up to grab a bottle of water out of her refrigerator.
"Dr. Angelise, are you OK?"
"Yes, I think I will be in just a minute." She responded. "I think I might be having some kind of hot-flash. Not uncommon for a women of my age."
She mustered up a slight smile. "Do you mind if we cut our session short today? I think I might need to rest a little and wouldn't be at my best for you."
"Of course." I said. "How about we just pick-up where we left off at next week's session."
"Thank you. I will see you next week then."
As I left her office, she made her way to one of her couches and laid down.
After I left Dr. Angelise's office I went home and picked up Johnny Dog. Had a mid-afternoon lunch at a local Greek restaurant. As it turns out the owner is a dog lover so he let me come in with Johnny Dog. I had a gyro and fries. He didn't have any help at the restaurant, and no other customers. He said that his lunch shift (2 girls) had called in sick.
I've noticed less cars on the roads today. I haven't heard any reports on the TV or radio about anything weird going on, but it's certainly curious.
I have a job interview tomorrow. It's the first prospect in a long time. 2nd shift at a local distribution center. They distribute video games and consoles (XBox, PS3) to the local Best Buy's, Target's etc. Need to get some kind of income so hopefully I show well.
Another thing. For the first time I have started to see some weird behavior out of Johnny Dog. She really seems on edge.
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